Pro-Oxide 20 Volume Cream Developer

by Redken
SKU#: USA-M-684098 UPC#:

Pro-Oxide 20 Volume Cream Developer

by Redken
SKU#: USA-M-684098 UPC#:
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  • Pro-oxide Cream Developer is the dedicated developer for Redken Hair Color. The developer mixes hair color to an ideal consistency for controlled and precise applications. Available in 10(3%), 20(6%), 30(9%) and 40(12%) volume.
    1. May be applied with a bowl and brush or bottle using a Traditional or Modern Virgin Application.
    2. Apply color generously using fine 1/4" diagonal partings. Cross-check application.
    3. Process at room temperature.
    4. Follow with Color Extend Shampoo and Conditioner.
    • Color Fusion mixes in a 1:1 ration with 10, 20, 30 or 40 vol.
    • Pro-oxide Cream Developer for up to 4 levels of lift.
    • Process at room temperature for 35-45 minutes.