The BLONDME Pastel Toning range consists of 9 shades. Intermixable pastel toning shades designed to enhance & neutralize hair bases 8–10:
- STEEL BLUE: Counteracts underlying gold-copper tone directions.
- ICE-IRISÉ: Anti-gold effect for cool tones with a subtle iridescent hue.
- ICE: For soft neutralization of delicate golden tone directions.
- SAND: Enriching natural, sandy tone directions.
- BISCUIT: Enriched beige with a slight warm touch.
- BROWN-MAHOGANY: Enriched cool rosewood reflections.
- STRAWBERRY: Fashionable pastel red-rosé effects.
- LILAC: Eye-catching lilac tonality.
- CLEAR: Ideal to dilute the intensity of all Blonde Toning shades.